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High-Octane Speed - Nail’d aims to be the fastest off-road racer of them all - each track is engineered to keep you on the edge of your seat with anticipation of what’s behind the next hairpin bend. What’s more, Nail’d focuses you on utilizing its amazing turbo boost ability for incentives rather than points, supercharging the game’s sense of lightning-fast speed.

Extreme Terrain - Nail’d, while set in real-life locations such as Yosemite Park, is designed to reflect the over-the-top arcade nature of the game. This is a world where impossible tracks and broken and bent laws of physics reign supreme!

Over the Top Jumps - There’s nothing like flying off a cliff edge and then falling half a mile towards the ground. Sounds like fun? Throw-in dodging the blades of several towering wind turbines and struggling to nail the perfect landing with your opponents trying to knock you from your ride. If big air’ in other games is earth-sized, Nail’d is like a twin galaxy of stomach-in-mouth terror.

Intense Head to Head Action - Up to 11 AI opponents will keep you on your toes; they say death comes from above and that’s very often the case in Nail’d. It’s not all one way though, you can knock opponents from their vehicles and for extreme punishment they can deal a crushing blow from the sky by landing on top of their opponents.

    創作者 沐卉 的頭像


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